
High quality cork and nitrile bound material ideal for oil sealing in low, medium, and high bolting pressures
Product Description Rubber Density (in lbs./ft3) Tensile Strength (in lbs./in.2) Compression @ 400 psi Recovery Flex Shore A Hardness
A high quality, highly compressible product with good oil resistance. Nitrile 40 300 40% 80% 3 max 67
A high quality, medium compressible product with good oil resistance. Nitrile 46 325 33% 82% 3 max 67
A dense cork/rubber product with highest tensile strength. Nitrile 53 422 24% 81% 3 max 70

Data Shows Typical Properties/Values

This product is ISO 9001 Certified

Ecore International’s Quality Management System for the manufacture and distribution of rubber, cork, and cork/rubber products for non-flooring applications has been certified to ISO 9001. Globally recognized and respected, ISO 9001 standards are set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), a Geneva-based worldwide federation of national standard bodies. This certification demonstrates Ecore’s commitment to and implementation of a dedicated, systematic and quantifiable approach to quality-of-service standards through a rigorous auditing process. ISO 9001 standards specify organizational requirements in documentation, procedures and operations for a quality management system and are important for companies focused on demonstrating the ability to consistently provide products or services that meet customer satisfaction and applicable regulatory requirements.